Microelectronic recording and neuroscience technology
1. Assistance in the development of automatic navigation tools, based on physiological signals recorded from multi contact electrodes.
2. Explore the development in Epilepsy research and trends and define the next generation products.
Skills required:
Students from the following fields:
- Deep Brain Stimulation
- Extracellular recording
- Neural stimulation
- EEG and evoked potentials
3. Software: A real time de-noising embedded sortware for an extracellular recording system to remove the network noise or other noise in real time:
Skills required: Matlab, C/C++ and optionally basic knowledge in electrophysiology
4. Software: Real time microelectrode recording signals montage (digital referencing,…etc)
Skill required: Matlab, C++/C and optionally basic knowledge in electrophysiology
5. Software: Real-time squelch filtering and other advanced real time statistics
Skill required: Matlab, C++/C and optionally basic knowledge in electrophysiology
6. Biomed with Biology: Establish the ability to conduct Bio-burden testing, and maybe other biomedical tests in-house at Alpha Omega
Skills required: Biology and Chemistry background and excellent English.
7. Biomed with Hardware&Software: Integrate Opto-genetic abilities with high channel count extracellular recording and stimulation system: Electrode arrays with opto-genetics, system to drive the electrode arrays.
Skills involved: C++ programming, basic optics and system integration